This is another decision - how much code coverage should be and how to obtain it.
For Code Coverage, I have worked until now with
that works with XPlat Code Coverage
But now I have seen a tool that does it all:
The xml for configuring is dotnetcover.xml
And for code coverage, should be at least 80%.
Also, install this .net tools:
"version": 1,
"isRoot": true,
"tools": {
"jetbrains.dotcover.globaltool": {
"version": "2023.2.1",
"commands": [
"run-script": {
"version": "0.5.0",
"commands": [
"powershell": {
"version": "7.3.6",
"commands": [
And to run this is the global.json
"scripts": {
"build": "dotnet build --configuration Release",
"test": "dotnet dotnet-dotcover test --dcXml=dotnetcover.xml",
"ci": "dotnet r build && dotnet r test"
Also, need saving this