For starting tests there is a plethora of frameworks. What we want is to
- Make it fast
- See the results in a good form
So we start
TITLE: ADR 003 - Tests
- Andrei Ignat
Change Log
Referenced Use Case(s)
All use cases, e.g.
- UseCases001 - No Authentication , upload
must be enforced via an automated Test.
The tests are an important part of the software - so the framework that I am using is important.
Also , the organization of the software must allow testing business rules more than endpoints / GUI that are changing very often.
Also, the code coverage is pretty important - should be at least 80%
Proposed Design
Every GUI application ( Desktop,Console, WebAPI ) must be skinny - i.e. passing data to a business component.
Also, Business should not call static functions ( e.g. DateTime.Now, Environment.CurrentUser) but pass interfaces or functions in order to be Mocked.
Testing GUI's / endpoints should be make at least possible in the developing of the app, because they are changing fast.
As frameworks we will have :
XUnit ( preferable constructor over [SetUp] ) - see
FluentAssertion - to improve running and debugging
LightBDD - to display tests in a good form
Rocks -
dotCover CLI -
Other Related ADRs
- ADR002 - Architecture of the application