One of the problem with NuGet are version .One of the problems with version is that ,in the same sln, inadvertently add 2 NuGets with different versions.
Added deployment
After this ADR
Added deployment
After this ADR
Added versioning
It is difficult to find documentation about what packages to add for versioning WebAPI .
Adding WebAPI
Adding WebAPI is not big deal. But what do you need , for a Good functionality ?
Adding logging
Adding logging for a project should be simple, right ?
Now the project syncPowershellObjects is full of interfaces and classes. I need a refactoring - to, at least,separate interfaces from classes/implemented functionalities.
It is easy to create a new project and to add the interfaces ( with a new namespace). Somehow more difficult is to respect the rule : the interfaces must not have other the methods / properties that are not interfaces . This infers generating interfaces from classes ( VS is perfect!).
So now is how it looks( generated with )
And some major versions that differs already , even if all is targeting 7.0!
Number of packages that differ in major version : 3
1 System.Collections.Immutable
2 System.Reflection.Metadata
3 System.Text.Encoding.CodePages
And here are the results of the tests:
Feature: TestUploadAndRetrieve
In order to sync powershell profile
As an anonymous
I want to send my powershell profile
and retrieve data
Scenario: TestOnePC No Powershell [UseCase002] - Passed (1s 071ms)
Categories: TestOnePC
Step 1: GIVEN NoPowershellProfile7 IsFound For UserName "Andrei" "TestPCAndrei" - Passed (18ms)
Step 2: WHEN the data is sent - Passed (1s 018ms)
Step 3: THEN the return value should be an URL Ending In UserName "Andrei" "TestPCAndrei" - Passed (2ms)
Scenario: TestOnePC Powershell7 Exists [UseCase001] - Passed (1s 061ms)
Categories: TestOnePC
Step 1: GIVEN PowershellProfile7 IsFound For UserName "Andrei" "TestPCAndrei" [value: "text"] - Passed (2ms)
Step 2: WHEN the data is sent - Passed (1s 048ms)
Step 3: THEN the return value should be an URL Ending In UserName "Andrei" "TestPCAndrei" With ID - Passed (1ms)
Scenario: TestOnePC Powershell7 Exists RetrieveData [UseCase003] - Passed (1s 031ms)
Categories: TestOnePC
Step 1: GIVEN PowershellProfile7 IsFound For UserName "Andrei" "TestPCAndrei" [value: "text"] - Passed (<1ms)
Step 2: WHEN the data is sent - Passed (1s 012ms)
Step 3: THEN the return value should be an URL Ending In UserName "Andrei" "TestPCAndrei" With ID - Passed (<1ms)
Step 4: AND Can Retrieve Data [userName: "Andrei"] [pc: "TestPCAndrei"] [pwshNumber: "7"] [retValue: "text"] - Passed (5ms)
Testing saving and retrieval
Now for the tests that are sending and retrieving data, it is not enough to verify with mocks/stubs ( see ) .
There must be some real objects that saves / retrieves data, otherwise it is just mocking the answer.
So now how to store data
Analysis of the project
Before starting writing API, I want to generate data about what I have created - packages, reference , tests .
For tests, I have copied the PlainTextReportFormatter from
- modified a bit ( put # in front of Summary , Scenario , Feature, )
- Commented new TextTableRenderer , TextTreeRenderer.Render for later use
And voila!
For analyzing the project I use .
This will export the package references, the relations between packages, the packages with differences in the major ...
The result is here:
Code Coverage
This is another decision - how much code coverage should be and how to obtain it.
For Code Coverage, I have worked until now with
that works with XPlat Code Coverage
But now I have seen a tool that does it all:
The xml for configuring is dotnetcover.xml
And for code coverage, should be at least 80%.
Also, install this .net tools:
"version": 1,
"isRoot": true,
"tools": {
"jetbrains.dotcover.globaltool": {
"version": "2023.2.1",
"commands": [
"run-script": {
"version": "0.5.0",
"commands": [
"powershell": {
"version": "7.3.6",
"commands": [
And to run this is the global.json
"scripts": {
"build": "dotnet build --configuration Release",
"test": "dotnet dotnet-dotcover test --dcXml=dotnetcover.xml",
"ci": "dotnet r build && dotnet r test"
Also, need saving this
Continuing tests - no data
Since the powershell file profile can exists or not , we need a new UseCase
First , rename use cases from 003 to 030 - to let space for others.
So a new
I have started documentation about how to use, put the ADR and UseCases in their own folder, modified links, added about.
Starting tests
For starting tests there is a plethora of frameworks. What we want is to
Use Cases as mermaid
Modified use cases to see the interaction as mermaid.
General Architecture
I want to have a simple application , without fuss. It will be an WebAPI Application, a Database and a SPA app.
Modifications : Added also use case 4, the list of users Added also max dimension for files Refactored useCases to their folder
Here it comes the ADR :
Use Cases
I want to describe the application in detail - so what's best than a use case ?
Work on documentation
To have automatically documentation , I have created
I want the project start with documentation - too many times I wrote the code without documentation.
So I am ready for the first decision - what documentation engine to use.
Start project
Because I am moving from PC to PC and I use powershell ( ok , windows terminal ) I decide to have the $profile synchronized easy What I need is :
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