Since the powershell file profile can exists or not , we need a new UseCase
First , rename use cases from 003 to 030 - to let space for others.
So a new
Use Case 2 : No Authentication , no profile file
The PC of the user does NOT Contain $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost . From his PC the user will have a powershell and current user name [Environment]::UserName and PC name [Environment]::MachineName to the site ( see Use Case 3) . The username and all data will be deleted after 30 days . The powershell should be of max 4 MB size.
So how to test when the original code is like
var powershell7Profile =Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments );
powershell7Profile = Path.Combine(powershell7Profile, "WindowsPowerShell", "Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1");
DataToBeSent dataToBeSent = new ();
dataToBeSent.PC = Environment.MachineName;
if (File.Exists(powershell7Profile))
dataToBeSent.Powershell = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(powershell7Profile);
dataToBeSent.PowershellNumber = 7;
return dataToBeSent;
Simple - replace the static Environment with an interface using - this is the code:
private readonly ISystem_Environment environment;
private readonly ISystem_IO_File file;
private readonly ISystem_IO_Path path;
public DataGatherer(ISystem_Environment environment, ISystem_IO_File file, ISystem_IO_Path path)
this.environment = environment;
this.file = file;
this.path = path;
public async Task<DataToBeSent> GetData()
var powershell7Profile =environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments );
powershell7Profile = path.Combine(powershell7Profile, "WindowsPowerShell", "Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1");
DataToBeSent dataToBeSent = new ();
dataToBeSent.PC = Environment.MachineName;
if (file.Exists(powershell7Profile))
dataToBeSent.Powershell = await file.ReadAllTextAsync(powershell7Profile, CancellationToken.None);
dataToBeSent.PowershellNumber = 7;
return dataToBeSent;
Also, for generating Mocks fast, I will use Rocks
var en = Rock.Create<ISystem_Environment>();
var path = Rock.Create<ISystem_IO_Path>();
path.Methods().Combine(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>()).Returns("");
var file = Rock.Create<ISystem_IO_File>();
DataGatherer gatherer = new(en.Instance(), file.Instance(),path.Instance());
And the BDD test looks like this:
await Runner
_ =>Given_NoPowershellProfile7_IsFound(),
_ => When_the_user_want_to_sent()